Friday, September 25, 2020

Week 9/28-10/1

Dear Parents,

Thank you for bring your students to school for intervention and for a great week of classes as well. Your students continue to impress and grow in their learning! This week we have been able to work through many of our projects and complete their first test. We also successfully had students join us for Friday intervention.

English Class:

In math the students were able to study and review for their first test in area. They completed this test on Wednesday and will have the opportunity to retake the test this week. Many students have been doing well in this unit, but if any are in need of extra work or help please let me know!

In language arts we have started to read through Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief. They will have a unit of vocabulary and comprehension that goes alone with the book. Each student has also started their country research paper. This first research paper will be done in class, but it may be good to ask them details about their country.

Chinese Class:

Please check your student's class dojo for their completed or uncompleted assignments. If you have problem to see or login, please let me know.


We will start review MMX unit 7-10 lessons.  Homework: Students will complete unit 7-10 lessons in Nearpod and Chinese word writing package.


We are learning how fast the population will increase for milkweed bugs without any limiting factors. This coming week we are going to learn about the Milkweed bug and its community. The homework will be posted on the Canvas this Monday.


proboscis (触角),exoskeleton (外骨骼), nymph (幼虫), molting (蜕变), instar (幼虫蜕变期), incomplete metamorphosis (没有完成的成长周期), clutches (一堆卵), population(种群), organisms (生物), species (物种), community (群落), environment (环境), abiotic (非生物), ecosystem (生态系统)

Social Studies:

We learned mapping skills this week. Also students will continue to learn the below vocabulary. The homework will be on the Quizlet for what is geography (什么是地理学?)?


absolute location (绝对位置), relative location (相对位置), longitude (经度), latitude (纬度), natural feature (自然特征), manmade feature (人造特征),equator(赤道 ),America (美洲),Europe (欧洲),Asia (亚洲) 

Thank you again for all you are doing as parents and please feel free to reach out about any concerns or questions.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Week 9/21-9/25

Dear parents:

Upcoming Tuesday, the 22nd  Fourth, Fifth and Sixth grade students will have their pictures taken.

Inter-State Studio Services will be doing our school pictures this year – they offer competitive packages as well as various photo options. Ordering information is attached and done solely online. Information can be found on their website Our school code is 53114H    Photo retakes are scheduled for November 2nd

Monte Vista Picture Flyer 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

Mr. Behmer & Mrs. McFarland

English Class:

Thank you again parents for a great week. Your students have done awesome and I really appreciate all you have done to help them in their school work.

In math we have started to learn about polygons and how to find area of complex figures. The students will have a test this week covering the first half of our math unit. Please ask them to study and be prepared for the test on Wednesday.

In language arts we will be starting Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief. Please try to make sure your student has a copy of the book. If you are having trouble getting them a copy please let me know and I will do my best to get them a copy. Along with this they will be finishing their first research paper and project for English class. 

For next Friday's interventions I will be sending out a schedule this Monday or Tuesday. We will begin to have some students come in, while others that want to can remain online. Please let me know any problems or troubles you may have about Friday and I will address them quickly.

Chinese Class:

Red class parents thank you for bringing your student to school for intervention. Another great week passed:) This week, I helped students with their Canvas account, however, there is some problems on Canvas. I already wrote to district specialist and hopefully the problems will be resolved soon. For MMX, I have found out that students only can read and do the practice questions, but they won't be able to submit. Once again, for those parents who aren't login in class dojo, please do it soon. If you have any questions, please let me know.


We will continue review MMX unit 4-6 lessons.  Homework: Students will complete unit 5-6 lesson in Nearpod and Chinese word writing package.


We had a really fun lesson on living organisms and ecosystems this week. Please have your student catch an earth worm in the bag (for later) to put in their ecosystem jar. This coming week we will start Milkweed bug lesson. Students are going to use the below vocabulary to make a five minute video describing what have they have read in Mr. Behmer's class for science and post five questions with thier answer in their video. Then they will email the paper to me.

Science vocabulary: Observations (观察),inference (推论),food (食物),habitat (栖息地),individual (个体),phenomena (现象),capacity (能力 or 容量),ecosystem (生态系统)

Social study:

We continue last week's lesson and learn more about Social Studies:, geography (地理), Mapping skills. Homework will be Quizlet on what is social study vocabulary, students need to complete three different activities.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Week 9/14-9/18

Dear Parents,

Hope this weekly update finds you well! We have had a great week and are continuing to get to know each other as a class well. We apologize for the late notice about intervention groups this week. We will work to let you know each Monday who will have work and material to go through on Fridays.

English Class:

In math class this week we have continued to study the area of different figures. Most of the students aced our quiz on area and have been doing great. We also have added fantasy football to our math class. This is a great opportunity to learn math through statistics and also grow in their understanding of teamwork.

In language arts I usually start the year with a research paper. This week they learned how to find sources for their paper and this weekend will take notes on their sources. I also will be sending home our reading plan for this year on Monday. It has taken some time to establish and get things rolling this year, but I know the students are doing great.

Please always reach out with any questions you may have and let me know any help your student may need.

Chinese Class:

Thank you for bringing your student to school for intervention. Last week, we had a lot of fun learning Chinese and Science.  For Canvas, I haven't posted any assignments in the past few weeks.  Next week, I will walk through with students step by step how to use Canvas and find assignments.  There are some students who told me that they have difficulty doing the Mandarin Matrix and submitting their work.  Don't worry about it!   I already wrote to an MMX technician; hopefully, I will receive a response sooner. Also, if you haven't login in class dojo, please do it sooner.


We will review MMX unit 4-6 lessons.  Homework: Students will login into MMX to read assigned lessons.


We will continue to learn about the effects of the water cycle on ecosystems and make DIY terrarium.  If you can please have your student bring 32 oz clean Mason Jar with lid or clean spaghetti sauce 32 oz jar and a small sandwich bag with some dirt, grass, or living bugs so we can make ecosystem terrarium. Please see the video, student don't need to find exactly same things, they can just find thing around your house or garden. We will need this on Tuesday.

Science vocabulary: Observations (观察),inference (推论),food (食物),habitat (栖息地),individual (个体),phenomena (现象),capacity (能力 or 容量),ecosystem (生态系统)

Social Studies:

We will learn about about social studies (社会学), government (政府), economics(经济), culture (文化), ancient civilization (古代文化), geography (地理), history (历史), religion (宗教).

There is a weekly assignment for Chinese, Science and Social study.  I will talk to students on Monday.  

Friday, September 4, 2020

Week 9/8-9/11

 Dear Parents,

We thank you for your hard work in helping us get through our first full week of school. Your students did awesome and we enjoyed the opportunity to teach them! I will touch on a couple of things we are going through in class. Please always let us know when you have questions or thoughts.

English class:

In math this week students have studied finding the area of quadrilaterals and complex figures. It has been some challenging material, but they have done great. They will continue studying area this week focusing on parallelograms and other figures. Encourage them to work hard!

In language arts we have started a research project they will be doing. This project will introduce them to ideas and concepts they will be learning throughout the year. I also will be working and have nearly completed our reading program for the year. Please encourage the students to pick a book they would enjoy to read and have them bring it this Tuesday. We will also be starting a new ELA curriculum this year. I will be sending you more information about our new language arts curriculum early next week.

Thank you for your patience and help this year! 

Chinese class:

This week we have login into Mandarin Matrix. Students should already know the login information and password.  If they forgot, please let me know. I have used class dojo to communicate with you about how your student is doing daily. There are still few parents haven't signed in. If that is you please do it soon.

Red class parents, thank you for bringing your student in today for Chinese assessment.  I apologize for taking longer than I thought to assess your student. 


We will review Mandarin Matrix unit 2 lesson.  Homework: students will login into quizlet and complete three activities in MMX unit 2 lesson as well as Nearpod MMX unit 2 lesson assignments.


We will continue learning about the scientific method and cross cutting concept through water cycle activities for ecosystem unit. Homework: students will have quizlet science terminology practice assignments to complete.

The homework assignments will be posted on Monday.