Friday, October 9, 2020

Week 10/5-10/8

Dear Parents,

Thanks for all those involved in helping your students be able to participate in this Friday's intervention! Your students have been doing an awesome job in all they have done this past week.

English class:

Currently in math we have continued to learn area and moved into surface area and volume. The students have been picking up content well and should be prepared for a unit 1 test before break.

In language arts the students have started to work through vocabulary and comprehension using Percy Jackson material. They have been doing a great job in learning new vocabulary especially.

Chinese class:

If you're checking my blog for a weekly newsletter, this week it won't be updated due to technical issues. Also, please have your students bring a family history story to school.  (It can be great grandparents, grandparents , parents' memory or a family tree story.  The story needs to have the details of when, where and an event. This will be done in Chinese.)


Students will start MMXI2 unit 1-1 lessons.  Homework: Students will complete unit 1-1lessons in Nearpod and Quizlet vocabulary. This will be posted with other assignment on Canvas Monday.


We are learning about the cycling of matter and the flow of energy among living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem. Homework will be posted on Canvas on Monday.


biomes (生物群落), ecosystem services (生态系统服务), provisioning, regulating (调解), cultural (文化), supporting (支持), aquatic (水生), terrestrial (陆生), phytoplankton (浮游植物, photosynthesis (光合作用), symbiotic (共生), energy (能量), migrating (迁移), semiarid (半干旱), biotic (生物), abiotic 9非生物) biosphere(生物圈), tropical zone (热带区), biomass (生物质), temperate zone (温带区), polar zone(极地区), 

Social Studies:

Students will learn how ancient civilizations developed and how they contributed to the current state of the world. Homework will be posted on Monday.


History (历史), ancient (古代), timeline(时间线),information (资料), first hand information(第一手资料), second hand information(第二手资料), historian (历史学家)

As time goes on this year please remind your students to turn in and put effort into their homework. So far I have been lenient on their work, but please remind them to fill in their planner and complete their work. I will start to be more strict and intentional in how I handle those who are missing their assignments. All students are working hard, please encourage them to continue to do so! 

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