Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Week 10/27-10/29

Dear Parents,

Welcome back school!  We hope you all have a relax and wonderful fall break. 

English class:

Hope all students have had a great break. As we resume English classes please remind students to ask about their grades. I have them completed and will be posting in skyward soon, but if they would like to change their grade through extra work they will need to reach out to me. So far the students have done really well and I am thankful for their hard work.

In math this week we are continuing our studies on ratios and proportions. We have been working on applying this to real world situations such as statistics and cooking.

For language arts the students a re continuing their study in Percy Jackson. We are also using common core English materials that go with the book to study vocabulary, literary devices and grammar. The students will also begin to work on a powerpoint based on the country they are studying this year.

Along with this I would like to take the time to let you know Mrs. Mcfarland and I's plan for this Thursday and Friday. First on Thursday we will be hosting a zoom from 4-4:30 for any parents that have questions about grading or class. Due to the fact our parent teacher conference time is so tight we would like to offer this as a time for you to ask any questions. There is no requirement to be there, but please come if you have questions. 

This Friday we will be having each class come for tests in Chinese and Science. I will be administering the science test and Mrs. Mcfarland will be administering Chinese. Each test will be 45 minutes and we would ask students to be at school by 11:00 this Friday. 

Again please reach out with any questions or concerns!

Chinese class:

Students' science grade has posted in the Canvas, please check it.  If your student received a zero for their grade that means student didn't do assignment.  If your student receives low grade, please see the comments.  Since we have flex Friday, students are able to use this time to ask questions and complete homework.  All the homework will be graded, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.  There is no homework for this week, please use this time wisely to catch up missing assignments. 

AAPPL testing:
The AAPPL testing is getting closer.  6th graders will take the practice test on Nov. 17-18th during rotation time, then take real AAPPL test at computer lab on Monday, Nov. 23rd between 9:15-10:45 and 11:15-12:45 for the full test.  

For online students in class, they can join in person to take the AAPPL test OR they can take the test at home with parents acting as proctors. If they want to take the test at home, there are instructions for how to request the student be moved from "in person" to "at home" testing.  It takes a few days to change the test mode.  So, students will need to make that request a few days in advance of the test.  Please let me know if your student is not coming to test in person.  


Chinese comprehension test and Science test


Students will continue lesson MMXI2 unit 1.2 充满期待 lessons and start MMXI2 unit 1.3 新朋友

Homework: Students will complete unit 1.3 新朋友 quizlet vocabulary.


Students will learn FOSS population and ecosystem lesson p.51-61 Energy and Life; Where does food come from


protists (原生生物); producers (生产者); molecules(分子); carbohydrates (碳水化物); chlorophyll (叶绿素); autotrophs (自养生物); food chain (食物链); prey(猎物); predator (捕食者); consumer (消费者); primary consumers (一级消费者); secondary consumers (二级消费者); tertiary consumers(三级消费者); heterotrophs (外养生物) ; aerobic cellular (有氧细胞); respiration (呼吸作用); thermal energy (热能); atoms (原子); zooplankton (浮游动物); photosynthesis (光合作用), biomass (生物量,convert (转化); transfer (转移); carbon dioxide (二氧化碳); phytoplankton (浮游植物)

Social Studies:

Students will continue learn about human's origin and how society has developed.

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