Friday, December 4, 2020

Week 12/7-12/10

Dear Parents, 

Yeah:) Another safe and fun week passed.  Thank you for all your support.


This week in English students started to present their country reports! They have done an awesome job so far and worked really hard. In math we are continuing our new unit on rates and percentages. The students seem to be doing well in this area.
Each class also earned a party in their classroom fund after months of hard work. They really have been doing well each week. Please continue to reach out with any questions.


This coming week we will finish to learning "成都的辣“ and then begin with "公园过夜“
Homework will be ‘成都的辣” nearpod. This will be posted on the Canvas and due the following Monday.


I have read student's  12/4 science assignment.  I really enjoyed all of them.  There also is a great event that the closest great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter will happen at December 21, 2020 which only happen in 397 years.  From our point of view, the two giant gas planet will appear only 0.1 degrees apart. This is just 1/5 of a full Moon diameter. Start today, I hope you and your student will have some hot cocoa outside and observe the great conjunction movement of Saturn and Jupiter.  Yesterday students should receive a science reading package from p1-21 on the planet science book: Structure and Motion within the Solar System.  This reading package has a lot fun information, so while observing the planets, drink hot cocoa and read the science.  What a perfect nights for the family.  I hope that you will all enjoy it.


altitude gāo dù (高度),atmosphere dà qì céng (大气层), biosphere shēng wù quān (生物圈)bird’s-eye view niǎo kàn (鸟瞰) elevation hǎi bá (海拔) frame of reference cān zhào xì (参照系), geosphere dì qiú quān (地球圈), hydrosphere shuǐ quān (水圈), location wèi zhì (位置), point of view guān diǎn kàn fǎ (观点看法), subsystem zǐ xì tǒng (子系统), system xì tǒng (系统),solar system tài yáng xì(太阳系), structure jié gòu tǐ  (结构体), earth dì qiú (地球),mass zhì liàng    (质量),measure cè liáng (测量), distance jù lí  (距离),  scale bǐ lì 比例. planetary xíng xīng de (行星的), core hé xīn (核心), interacting xiāng hù yǐng xiǎng (相互影响), galaxy xīng xì (星系), universe  yǔ zhòu (宇宙),  cosmos yǒu xù de yǔ zhòu (有序的宇宙),crust dì qiào (地壳),mantle dì màn (地幔), orbit guǐ dào (轨道), axis zhóu (轴), rotation zì zhuǎn (自转), revolution gōng zhuàn (公转), North star běi jí xīng (北极星)

Homework will post on Canvas Monday, due date will be following Monday.

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